Office of the Municipal Clerk.

Amy Shelton, RMC
The office of the Municipal Clerk is an important part of the machinery of local government. The Municipal Clerk's is the hub of government, the direct link between the residents and the government. The clerk is the historian of the community for the entire recorded history of the town and its people. No other office in municipal service has so many contacts. The clerk serves the mayor, the governing body, the administrator and all administrative departments without exception. All of them call upon the clerk, almost daily, for some service or information. The work is not spectacular, but it demands versatility, alertness, accuracy and no end of patience. This office pulls together many loose ends of public administration.
The position of Municipal Clerk is so important to the wordings of local government that in New Jersey it is mandated by statute that a Town must appoint a Municipal Clerk. There are 566 clerks in the state of New Jersey. The statute also describes some of the core duties of the Clerk, such as:
- The Clerk shall act as: secretary to the Municipal Corporation and the custodian of the municipal seal and all minutes, books, deeds, bonds, contracts, and archival records of the corporation;
- The clerk shall act as: secretary to the governing body, prepare meetings agendas, be present at all meetings of the governing body, keep a journal of the proceedings of every meeting, retain the original copies of all ordinances and resolutions and record the minutes of every meeting;
- The clerk shall act as: the chief administrative officer in all elections held in the municipality;
- The clerk shall act as: chief registrar of voters in the municipality;
- The clerk shall act as: the administrative officer responsible for the acceptance of applications for licenses and permits and the issuance of licenses and permits;
- The clerk shall act as: the coordinator and records manager responsible for implementing local archives and records retention programs as mandated;
- Also the clerk shall perform such other duties as imposed by statute or municipal ordinance.
To find out information on Voter Registration, Absentee Ballots, Community Hall Rentals, Park Rentals, Employment opportunities or Applications, Garage Sale Permits, Bingo and Raffle Licenses, Liquor Licensing, Massage Parlor Licensing and Limo/Taxi Licensing, call the Municipal Clerk's Office or stop in to visit us. Messages can be left for the Mayor and Township Committee. The office is also responsible for the maintaining of municipal records such as minutes, resolutions, ordinances and updating of the Municipal Code.
Garage/Yard Sales If you are thinking about having a Garage/Yard Sale don’t forget to get your permit from the Clerk’s office. Permits cost $5.00 for two consecutive days and residents are permitted to have four sales per year. Your municipal taxes must be paid current and you must bring in your block and lot number to the property.
Landlord Registration
Landlords are required by NJSA 48:8-28, et seq. to register with the Municipal Clerk their rental property. The registration requirement applies to all rental premises or units used for dwelling purposes except those owner-occupied premises with not more than two rental units. Within thirty (30) days of transfer of tenants, the landlord must file the appropriate registration statement with the Municipal Clerk. In any action for eviction by a landlord, no judgment for eviction can take place without the form being on file with the Municipal Clerk. Landlords can pick up a form at the Municipal Clerk's Office or fill out and print the Landlord Disclosure Statement Form and bring to the Municipal Clerk's Office. The form must be signed and you will receive a copy for yourself and your tenant. In addition to your registration, P.L. 2022 C.92 which was established in October 2022 requires the landlord to also submit a certificate of insurance for the rental property. There is also a $5.00 administrative fee which is due with your submission. Check or cash. Please see Ordinance #2022-35 for details. LANDLORD REQUIREMENT PACKET
Notary Services
The township provides notary services at a cost of $2.50 per notarized page. The township will not notarize wills or living trusts. If copies are needed there is a charge of 0.5 cents per letter size copy and 0.7 cents per legal size copy.
Block Party
The township requires six (6) weeks notice for application for a Block Party. The Block Party Application must be filled out completely and submitted to the Municipal Clerk's Office six (6) weeks before the event. The event must be investigated by the Lacey Township Police Department and approval must be given before the application will be approved. Once approved directions will be given as to blocking off the area designated for the party. Applications may be picked up at the Municipal Clerk's Office or click on the above link.
Off-Site Conditions Disclosure Act
Enacted on September 12, 1995 (NJSA 46:3C-1 et seq.), the law requires a range of off-site conditions to be reported to the Municipal Clerk who shall make the information available to the public. The law was enacted to ensure that buyers of new residential construction have information available to them about the location of off-site conditions while considering the purchase of a property. For copies of these documents there is a reproduction cost for each page. Information can be viewed online at
Street Light Out
Residents who would like to report a street light out in their neighborhood may call the Municipal Clerk's Office at 609-693-1100, ext. 2200, use the Citizen Service Request link on this website, or click here at JCP&L Street light out and fill out the form and submit online.
Sale of Various Books
For your convenience the entire Lacey Township Municipal Code Book is available online Municipal Code and Public Documents.
The Township of Lacey offers for sale the following books with relation to the Municipal Code. The books can be purchased at the Clerk’s office. There is an additional fee to mail the books. The entire municipal code is not available for mailing, that must be picked up in person.
Book |
Cost |
Postage |
Entire Municipal Code Book |
$300.00 |
N/A |
Yearly Supplementation Fee |
$50.00 |
N/A |
Chapter 335, Zoning* includes a zoning map |
$35.00 |
$3.95 |
Chapter 297, Subdivision of Land* |
$20.00 |
$1.06 |
Chapter 285, Site-Plan Review* |
$15.00 |
$1.52 |
Chapter 211 & 215, Land Development Fees, Escrow, Deposit & Inspection Fees/Land Use Procedures* |
$10.00 |
$1.52 |
Master Plan of the Township - Can be downloaded to a CD - Call for Price |
$104.50 - Paper Copy |
$call |
Zoning Map |
$5.00 |
$2.11 |
*Postage for all four Zoning books - $8.05
Checks must be received prior to mailing for the cost of the books plus postage.
Checks can be made payable to the Township of Lacey.
Notification will be made and updates to our code book will be mailed when available.
Supplement fees vary.
Payment in advance is required.
Contact Information
Township of Lacey
818 Lacey Road
Forked River, New Jersey 08731
Amy Shelton, RMC
Phone: (609)-693-1100, ext 2200