8/6/2015 - LEGAL NOTICE - COAH Declaratory Judgment Action LEGAL NOTICE LACEY TOWNSHIP Notice of Filing of Declaratory Judgment Action Regarding Lacey Township’s Compliance with its Affordable Housing Obligations and Motion Seeking Temporary Immunity from Mount Laurel Litigation NOTICE IS HEREBY PROVIDED that Lacey Township (“Lacey”) has filed a Complaint in the Superior Court of New Jersey, Law Division, Ocean County seeking a Declaratory Judgment determining that Lacey has satisfied its obligation to provide its fair share of the region’s affordable housing, providing Lacey with immunity from constitutional compliance, exclusionary zoning or builder’s remedy litigation (collectively, “Mount Laurel” litigation”) and authorizing Lacey to use its affordable housing trust funds for any purposes authorized under law. The Declaratory Judgment Action is entitled In the Matter of the Township of Lacey, Docket Number OCN-L-1912-15. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that Lacey has filed a motion in this action for an Order providing temporary immunity from Mount Laurel litigation for a limited period of time as described within Lacey’s motion papers. That motion is currently returnable on Friday, August 28, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. at the Ocean County Courthouse in Toms River, New Jersey, but please be aware that the return date of the motion may be changed. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that anyone who files any documents in response to Lacey’s declaratory judgment action or in response to Lacey’s motion for temporary immunity must file these documents with: Superior Court of New Jersey, Ocean Vicinage Chambers of Mark A. Troncone, J.S.C. 100 Hooper Avenue, Courtroom 8 Toms River, New Jersey 08753 with copies to: Gilmore & Monahan P.A. Jean L. Cipriani, Esq. Ten Allen Street PO Box 1540 Toms River, New Jersey 08754 Affordable Housing Attorney, Township of Lacey and All parties on the Service List A copy of the service list may be obtained from Lacey’s affordable housing attorney. This notice is provided pursuant to the directive of the Court and is intended to inform all interested parties of the basic contents of the Declaratory Judgment Action and advise such interested parties that the Declaratory Judgment Complaint and supporting documentation are available for further review at the Township Clerk’s Office and that such parties are able to comment on said Declaratory Judgment action before the Court reviews and evaluates whether to approve the Township’s requested relief. Gilmore & Monahan P.A. Attorneys for the Township of Lacey 10 Allen Street Toms River, NJ 08754 By: Jean L. Cipriani, Esq. Archives