NJ Department of Human Services
Division of Disability Services
Sandy Relief Modular Ramp Program
Program Scope:
Funding* is available to replace, repair or build modular ramps for individuals who require one at their Sandy-impacted primary residences.
Projects :
DDS is considering applications that fall into one of the 3 categories below:
- A ramp was damaged due to the storm and needs to be repaired or replaced
- A ramp is needed in a home or apartment because a person with a disability has relocated as a result of the storm even temporarily
- An existing ramp is no longer useful because a home has had to be elevated to comply with new building codes
Applicants Must:
- Reside in New Jersey
- Have a permanent disability that requires a ramp. Physician certification of disability and need is required.
- Show proof of home ownership or have written permission from landlord
- Provide proof of loss as a result of damage from Superstorm Sandy.
- Demonstrate that all other sources of payment (e.g. Insurance, FEMA, Red Cross) are unavailable or exhausted. DDS is the payer of last resort.
Modular Ramp Design:
- Modular ramps have no permanent footings, making them easy to install, remove, and relocate as necessary.
- Ramps may be made of wood, aluminum or steel or fiberglass. Design options are customized for each home and the needs of each applicant
For Information or an Application:
The Sandy Relief Modular Ramp Program
NJ Division of Disability Services
PO Box 705
Trenton, NJ 08625
1-888-285-3036 (Toll Free) or 609-631-2450 and Push 9
*Funding for this project is provided by a $2.89 million Social Services Block Grant.