5/10/2013 - Oyster Creek Proposed Energy Enterprise Zone - Online Survey for Lacey Residents On May 8th, the Township and officials from several state agencies, including the state Board of Public Utilities, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of Planning and the Department of Labor and Workforce Development held a forum geared to gather public input on the township’s plans to entice power companies to utilize infrastructure behind Oyster Creek on property off Route 9 owned by Jersey Central Power & Light. For those unable to attend the forum here is an opportunity to let the State know your feelings on the subject. Please complete the online survey at: www.state.nj.us/state/planning/oyster-creek.html Residents can also download a pdf copy of the online survey and mail it to: New Jersey Department of State Office of Planning Advocacy 225 West State Street P.O. Box 820 Trenton, NJ 08625-0820 Archives