JANUARY 1, 2024 - 12:00 PM
STATEMENT: Adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, pursuant to Public Laws of 1975, Chapter 231. Said notice was advertised in the Asbury Park Press and the Beacon and was posted on the bulletin board showing the time and place of the meeting.
1. Swearing in of Committeewoman- Elect Peggy Sue Juliano
2. Resolution #2024-01 Appointing a Municipal Clerk
3. Swearing in of Municipal Clerk
4. Nomination of the Mayor for 2024
5. Nomination of the Deputy Mayor for 2024
6. Swearing in of Mayor
7. Swearing in of Deputy Mayor for 2024
8. Resolution #2024-02 Making Various Municipal Appointments for 2024
9. Resolution #2024-03 Authorizing the Appointment of a Township Attorney
10. Resolution #2024-04 Authorizing the Appointment of a Conflict Township Attorney
11. Resolution #2024-05 Authorizing the Appointment of Special Legal Counsel (COAH)
12. Resolution #2024-06 Authorizing the Appointment of Special Legal Counsel (CODE BOOK)
13. Resolution #2024-07 Authorizing the Appointment of Labor Counsel
14. Resolution #2024-08 Authorizing the Appointing of an Attorney for Tax Appeals
15. Resolution #2024-09 Authorizing the Appointment of a Township Engineer
16. Resolution #2024-10 Authorizing the Appointment of a Prosecutor
17. Resolution #2024-11 Authorizing the Appointment of Conflict Township Prosecutor
18. Resolution #2024-12 Authorizing the Appointment of a Public Defender
19. Resolution #2024-13 Authorizing the Appointing of a Conflict Public Defender
20. Resolution #2024-14 Authorizing the Appointment of a Township Auditor
21. Resolution #2024-15 Authorizing the Appointment of a Hearing Officer
22. Resolution #2024-16 Authorizing the Appointment of Bond Counsel
23. Resolution #2024-17 Authorizing the Appointment of a Township Physician
24. Resolution #2024-18 Authorizing the Appointment of a Tax Map Maintenance Engineer
25. Resolution #2024-19 Authorizing the Appointment of Special Project Engineers
26. Resolution #2024-20 Authorizing the Appointment of a Township Planner
27. Resolution #2024-21 Authorizing the Appointment of a Township Architect
28. Resolution #2024-22 Authorizing the Appointment of a Title Search Company
29. Resolution #2024-23 Authorizing the Appointment of Appraisal Companies
30. Resolution #2024-24 Authorizing the Appointment of a Public Works Director
31. Resolution #2024-25 Authorizing the Appointment of a Director of Community Development
32. Resolution #2024-26 Authorizing the Appointment of a Recreation Director
33. Resolution #2024-27 Authorizing the Appointment of a Municipal Alliance Coordinator
34. Resolution #2024-28 Appointing a Public Agency Affirmative Action Officer
35. Resolution #2024-29 Appointing Class I Special Officers
36. Resolution #2024-30 Appointing Class III Special Officers
37. Resolution #2024-31 Appointing School Crossing Guards
38. Resolution #2024-32 Appointing a Safety Coordinator and an Alternate
39. Resolution #2024-33 Appointing a Representative and an Alternate to the Municipal Insurance Fund
40. Resolution #2024-34 Appointing a Representative and an Alternate to the Community Development Block Grant Committee
41. Resolution #2024-35 Appointing the Mayor to the Planning Board
42. Resolution #2024-36 Appointing a Class II Member to the Planning Board
43. Resolution #2024-37 Appointing a Class III Member to the Planning Board
44. Resolution #2024-38 Appointing a Class IV Member to the Planning Board
45. Resolution #2024-39 Appointing Alternate Member No. 1 to the Planning Board
46. Resolution #2024-40 Appointing Alternate Member No. 1 to the Zoning Board of Adjustment
47. Resolution #2024-41 Appointing Alternate Member No. 2 to the Zoning Board of Adjustment
48. Resolution #2024-42 Appointing Members to the Board of Health
49. Resolution #2024-43 Appointing Alternate Member No. 1 and Alternate Member No. 2 to the Board of Health
50. Resolution #2024-44 Appointing Members to the ADA Committee
51. Resolution #2024-45 Appointing Members to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee
52. Resolution #2024-46 Appointing Members to the Beautification Committee
53. Resolution #2024-47 Appointing Members to the Senior Citizen Recreation Committee
54. Resolution #2024-48 Appointing Members to the Senior Citizen Advisory Committee
55. Resolution #2024-49 Appointing Members to the Veterans Commission
56. Resolution #2024-50 Appointing Members to the Municipal Alliance Committee
57. Resolution #2024-51 Authorizing a Temporary Budget for 2024
58. Resolution #2024-52 Authorizing the Deposit of Public Funds in NJ Banks
59. Resolution #2024-53 Establishing the Interest Rate on Delinquent Taxes
60. Resolution #2024-54 Providing For Dates of Township Meetings and the Official Newspaper of the Township
61. Resolution #2024-55 Authorizing the payment of Township Bills