On April 30th, 2020, Mayor Kennis and the Township Council extended the grace period for property tax payments until the end of May in an effort to help people financially impacted by the coronavirus crisis. This week, the State and Governor Murphy signed an Executive Order allowing municipalities to extend the grace period.
“I would like to bring to your attention, we already have a 10-day grace period built in. The May 1st quarterly tax payment is not due until May 11th. Those who have been affected by the COVID-19 closures, please feel free to take advantage of the 20 extra days to pay, by June 1st, 2020" stated Mayor Steven Kennis.
As you know Lacey Township Municipal offices are closed to the public due to the pandemic but we have a drop box out front for you to use for your tax payments and other municipal business. Payments can also be made online through our website - www.laceytownship.org.
Payments made on June 1 or later will be subject to the statutory interest rates retroactive to the due date as mandated by law.