We are taking proactive measures to reduce the risk COVID-19 spreads among our residents and employees, therefore we are asking the public to limit the use of Town Hall. At this time, Town Hall Offices are open for business during normal business hours but ask the public to utilize services via online; www.laceytownship.org, through fax transmission or via telephone (609-693-1100). We are acting out of an abundance of caution and we believe it’s the right thing for us to take the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations and try to limit exposure in places.
This will include the community hall and playgrounds in public parks. The public buildings in the parks including restrooms will not be open. All playground equipment will be off limits during this time frame due to the exposure to the COVID-19 and all sporting organizations have been advised to cancel meetings, practices and games. All operations of the sporting organizations are suspended.
This is a precautionary decision to limit the spread of the virus and protect the health of residents.
The Lacey Township Community Hall will close beginning Monday, March 16th until further notice out of an abundance of caution for the safety of our community members during the declared state and national emergencies due to developing conditions concerning COVID-19.
This includes all rentals for private parties as well as the organizations.
Any questions, please call the Municipal Clerks office 609-693-1100, ext 2200.