The Mayor and Township Committee are pleased to announce Park, Infrastructure Projects, Equipment and Emergency Services items for the 2019 Budget. The Budget Hearing is scheduled for April 25th at 7pm and the final reading and authorization of the bond ordinance for the capital projects will take place on the same evening. This coming Spring, Summer and Fall, the Township will embark on some aggressive projects.
The major project the Governing Body approved is the Renovations to the Gille Park playground. Gille Park playground was initially completed in 1996 as a joint venture with the Rotary Club of Forked River and has seen its fulfillment of kids. Parts are no longer available and the Governing Body authorized the rehabilitation of the playground. The project will begin after Lacey Day in September with the removing of the old equipment, installing new drainage, installing the rubberized floor matting which is concussion rated and provides additional safety to the young and young at heart who enjoy the playground. Gives you a spring in your step. (Same matting as in Bayfront Park, no more mulch) and a new playground theme. It will even have a section which is ADA compliant for those with special needs. Opening of the new area is anticipated for Spring 2020. In addition, the Township will install additional lighting around the Gille Walking Path which is funded by Walters Development Group in the amount of $100,000. MRC Recreation will be installing the playground.
Bamber Lake will also have a new playground area at the east side of the Lake. A year ago we were informed by our insurance adjuster that the park was non-compliant and needed to be removed. We have contracted with Ben Schaffer Recreation to install a new playground at the lake.
The Township is excited to announce a new adventure for our residents in Lake Barnegat. We are purchasing an Inflatable Water Park for kids of all ages. Yes even the adults can participate. The unveiling is anticipated for late June early July. This adventure can even be rented by the residents for kid's birthday parties. Commercial Recreation Specialists will be assisting with the purchase of this adventure. Announcements regarding this fun new park is coming soon.
In addition to the Park Projects the Township is also embarking on:
• Street Improvements – Drainage and Overlay of Laurel Blvd from Basin to the end. The Township received a $525,000 NJDOT grant to offset the project
• Street Improvements – Engineering will be performed for the Roadway overlay of Nautilus Blvd from Shadybrook to Capstan. The actual paving will take place in 2020. The Township received a $395,000 NJDOT grant to offset the costs.
• Street Improvements – Engineering will be performed for the Northwest Barnegat Pines – East /West Arteries from Trenton to Kearny for a pavement overlay in 2020. This is phase one of a three year phase. These roadways have not been paved in over 30 years.
• Hancy's Pond Dredging – Plans are to dredge this area after June 1st which is the first allowable date in accordance with the DEP permit. The last maintenance dredging performed on this area was 2006.
• Storm Sewer Mapping which has not been updated since 1996, needs to be updated in accordance with the new DEP regulations and put on GIS and mapped with all the new outfalls.
• Enhancements will be made to improve the roof at the Municipal Building and to correct the failing HVAC system. Along with the painting of the awnings at the Municipal Building & Police Headquarters.
• Recreation will be purchasing a new passenger bus.
• Remounting the chassis of an ambulance for Lacey EMS. Remounting preserves the life of the ambulance by about 10 years and is half the price of a new ambulance.
• Radios, pagers, turnout gear, AED's and air packs will be purchased for the Fire Companies/First Aid Squads.
• Police Department will be receiving some new patrol vehicles, body cameras for the sworn officers, radios, a Speed Trailer to monitor speed on our residential streets and 2 Light Towers to assist in evening events at high traffic areas.
• Public Works will see the replacement of some of the old fleet. Our aging fleet over 30 years is showing a tremendous amount of wear and has various safety issues so it is time to invest in Trucks, Equipment and Tools to enhance the fleet.
While the budget will be approved in late April and final approval in May, these projects will take time to bid, award and accomplish. The vehicles will take 6-8 months to have on site ready for use. Paving and Dredging projects will start in mid-summer, while the Park project in Gille will take place over the Fall/Winter. You will see quite the facelift around town as we move forward with our aggressive capital project plan.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Governing Body or the Business Administrator.
Mayor Timothy McDonald Deputy Mayor Steven Kennis
Committeeman Peter Curatolo Committeeman Nicholas Juliano Committeeman Mark Dykoff