Lacey Township News


Dear Lacey Township Business Owner:

As the Mayor of Lacey Township, I am excited to share with you that Lacey is excited to offer a new shop local program designed to drive local spending at businesses like yours. 

Today merchants face many challenges, many of which didn’t exist even just a few years ago. Whether it is because people are shopping more online and less locally or because it is becoming harder to reach potential customers, we want to help. I am happy to introduce a new program called Card Rewards that is a part of our new Lacey Estate Card tax savings program for our residents. This Card Rewards program allows for our residents using their Lacey Estate Card to learn about your business on the Lacey Estate Card website and mobile app. You will be able to drive them to patronize your business by offering them incentive to shop at your store in the form of a small percentage back on their purchase which they will earn as a reward.

There are no monthly fees nor any new equipment to be purchased to join in this program. It works with your existing merchant service account. It is a great program to be able to reach new customers and incentivize them to patronize your business. 
We want to ensure that Lacey continues to be a great place to live, work, raise a family and grow a business. I am excited by this new program and hope you feel the same way.
You can learn more about the program and join at


